Sarah’s Hand Embroidery eBook

Hand Embroidery Stitches for Everyone2nd Edition, is the ultimate stitch guide to embroidery, whatever your level of expertise is.

Hand Embroidery Stitch Book for Beginners and Advanced Learners

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At 600 pages, this book is a definitive guide to different stitches for various needlework and crafting projects. It has a Picture Dictionary of 306 hand embroidery stitches, including cross-stitching and needlepoint stitches. The technique to each stitch is explained step-by-step with pictures that can be zoomed-in to see better and bigger. Each stitch comes with a small description along with information on the difficulty level, the uses, and alternate names.

All the stitches are neatly categorized into Stitch Families to make it easy for you to choose the best one for your projects. This eBook is interactive with a clickable picture dictionary and links for easy navigation.

If you are an absolute beginner, there are three entire sections to orient and prepare you for this art. You will find methods to handle needles, threads, fabric, hoops, and other tools, making it an ideal reference guide. This book also gives interesting information on traditional embroidery forms, and the origin and history of many stitches, which can inspire learners of all levels to explore more.

A section on helpful tips is a bonus and gives you information that will make your stitching experience better. What’s more? You don’t have to worry about how to practice all these stitches. Find a section on easy and printable patterns, making this the all-in-all eBook for hand embroidery.

The Hand Embroidery Stitch Book includes:

  • • 306 hand embroidery stitches with step-by-step photographic illustrations
  • • A categorized picture dictionary with 20 Stitch Families for easy selection
  • • Helpful tips for better stitch experience
  • • Good practices and common mistakes
  • • All about hand embroidery tools and supplies
  • • Drawing, tracing, and transferring patterns
  • • Hooping the fabric, separating the floss, and threading the needle
  • • Multiple methods for starting and finishing a stitch
  • • Color wheel and guide for picking colors
  • • Printable patterns, with stitch guides and ideas
  • • Sample embroidery for each stitch family
  • • History and maps of traditional embroidery styles

This book in numbers:

306 Stitches | 600 Pages | 2500 Photographs | 20 Stitch Families

Preview and Buy

82 Responses

  1. S
    Sandra L Garman says:

    Hi Sarah,
    How do I get to the blogs and some of the stuff that does not have links?! Why is all the info on here not in the ebook?! BTW I Do LOVE the ebook. I just wish that some of the info on here should have been included in the ebook. How long before I can get the newsletters also?! I am a leftie, so I know the drill just reverse the direction of stitching. Yeah, sometimes it is a challenge living in a right-handed world, but as a leftie, I am very adaptable. Just something that some lefties have.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Sandra.
      That’s great that you loved our eBook. ❤️
      To get our newsletters, you need to subscribe to our blog. In case you are checking from your phone, just keep scrolling down the page till you get an option to subscribe. Just provide your name and email, and you will start getting our newsletters.
      The book contains more information than what you have in the website! ☺️ Is there anything particular that you found missing in there? Please let us know.
      We will be adding information for the lefties in our next edition. We have that very much in mind. We want to make hand embroidery easy and approachable for everyone! 🙂


  2. J
    Jayani says:

    Hi, Sarah…I’m in love with your ebook. It provides amazing tips on stitching for a novice as well as for an experienced embroidery lovers. Instructions are clearly explained step by step and easy to follow. Recommended your website and ebook for my friends who love embroidery. 🤗

  3. R
    Rienda Potts says:

    Sarah, does your book come in hardcover? Also, I want to embroidery a picture of a deer for my sister, but I can’t figure out what stitch to use. Can you help me?

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Rienda,
      We have only the eBook version as of now. It’s a big book, so it might take us time before we do a printed version, if at all. 🙂
      Wow, a picture of a deer sounds beautiful. What do you want to embroider it on and how big will it be? This will help me in suggesting some stitches to you.


      • R
        Rienda Potts says:

        Actually it will be two. One will be a full buck on an 8 x 10 piece of cloth. Suggestion on a good cloth type? The second will be a buck head and maybe shoulders on a women’s tennis cap. About 3” high and 9” wide, curved of course. It’s made of softened wicker and already has holes. I could send you a picture. Thank you so much for your help. And Sarah, I greatly admire and appreciate all that you do. I have followed your website for about 6 years but I have been out of commission for the last couple of years. I am delighted be be back on track. By the way, I am 68 years old and just getting to do some of the things I love, such as embroidery, crocheting, and needlework. Your website actually helped renew my spark. Thank you dear lady.

        • Sarah says:

          Hi Rienda,

          Thank you so much for your appreciative words. 😊 It’s delightful to know that you are back to doing what you love and that our resource is helping you. My mom is 65 years old and she feels really happy being able to stitch some embroidery!

          Let me try to give some ideas for your deer project. I have always loved stitching on cotton fabric, so that is what I will suggest to you too. If you are doing a full buck, it will be great to stitch in the details and fill it in using the Long and Short stitch using 1 or 2 strands of cotton floss. I will say that it will require some patience and it will be challenging. If it sounds too much for you, just use the chain stitch or the stem stitch to outline the deer and fill it in using the same stitch working in a concentric manner. These are just ideas to give you a direction.

          To do a buck head on the wicker hat, I would suggest that you just do the outline of the buck head. You can use chain stitch or back stitch or even the stem stitch and do the outline using 6 strands to make it thick. Or, just use 3 strands and stitch two lines to make it look thicker. You can also choose to fill it in using the same stitch in a concentric manner. Just use a stitch and number of strands that work easily on the wicker background without damaging it.
          I hope this information helps you. It will be great to see the way the project turns out. Do try to share it here if you want to…it will inspire many others!

          • R
            Rienda Potts says:

            Thank you so, so much Sarah. When (I’ll think positively) I finish, I will share. God bless you. Rienda

      • R
        Rienda Potts says:

        Here’s the cap.

  4. Kathy says:

    Every time I receive a newsletter the link to the post doesn’t work and I get an Error 303 – Page not found response. Can anything be done about this?

  5. V
    Vicki says:

    I just bought the book–very happy –lovely photos and clear instructions–

  6. M
    Michelle says:

    As a beginner, and a leftie – (I have only found 1 book for left hander’s to do embroidery stitches)
    I have found it harder to do some stitches but with this one I am able to do them without so much frustration.
    This an excellent book, great reference pictures and very easy to follow the instructions, I love this book – it sits next to me as I stitch now and I take it to class with me. Thankyou so much I absolutely love this book

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Michelle,
      Thank you for your comment. It means a lot to us, especially because you are a leftie and you find our book easy to follow. It is worth all the effort! ❤️

  7. A
    Amutha says:

    I am in India. shall we use ATM card to purchase this ebook?

  8. H
    Halima says:

    hi Sarah, i purchased your e book and im in love with it. However, i would like to ask you will you be having it published??
    so we can actually have your book in hand at all times and also move around with it?
    Kindly inform.
    Thank you soooooo much..

  9. A
    Amutha says:

    Hi Sarah what will be the cost in Indian currency for that ebook.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Amutha,
      The book will be RS.1000 in Indian currency. You can make a direct bank transfer. The option is available while making the payment.
      Warm regards,

  10. S
    Saparya says:

    Hi Sarah what will be the cost in Indian currency for that ebook.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Saparya,

      Thank you for enquiring. The book will be RS.1000 in Indian currency. You can make a direct bank transfer. The option is available while making the payment.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      Warm regards,

      • G
        Geethu says:

        Love this ebook, truly one of it’s kind. The step by step instructions and photos make it easy to learn almost any stitch, even for an amateur like me. The picture index is such a thoughtful idea. And who knew there was so much history to these stitches. I almost wish I could have a hard copy of this in my hand. Hope you get to that soon!

  11. Viv says:

    Ordered your book!!!
    Thanks for your lovely work.

  12. E
    Eby Varghese says:

    I have ordered eBook and Order no 13929 will credit the payment by tomorrow

  13. V
    Vijayalakshmi says:

    Very nice. Happy getting a copy.

  14. I
    Ilana says:

    Good morning happy to see that the book is finally out. Cant seem to buy a copy. Keep getting internal error.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Ilana,
      We have resolved the issue. You should be able to purchase the book without a problem now. Please give a few seconds for the eBook to download as it is a big book. Thank you for your patience.

  15. A
    AA says:

    Wow! I’m so thrilled the book is finally ready. It looks awesome, so clear and vibrant. What an amazing achievement. Thank you to all who contributed to making it possible!

  16. A
    Amie Thacker says:

    order number 13715. sorry to contact like this. couldnt add this as comments to my trasaction

  17. M
    Marilyn says:

    Thanks Sarah, I am so happy with my new embroidery book. Congratulations, it is very clear and easy to follow. Thanks again from Australia.

  18. M
    Mandje says:

    Congratulations on your book! It’s brilliant, very clear explanations, loads of great photos and background information/history.
    I’m so happy for you! And for me as well 🙂
    Thanks for showing pages in the pdf.

  19. S
    Sally says:

    I’m trying to order the e-book, but it doesn’t allow me to enter the state. It only shows me foreign places.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Sally,
      This is unusual! Can you try purchasing again. Just check the country selected is United States of America. Let us know! 🙂

  20. akaGaga says:

    I just got my copy. Good job, Sarah. This will be a handy reference.

  21. G
    Georgie says:

    Please tell me how to get my book. When I ordered it I had a typo in my email address and I did not get it. Please let me know how to correct this. Georgie Morrow I paid for it with a Discover card. Hope to hear from you soon.

  22. J
    Jayani says:

    Hi, I’m willing to buy this book. First I downloaded the ebook, but It has 15 pages only..Is this ebook has 15 pages?

    • Hey Jayani, thank you for your interest in the eBook. What you have downloaded is only the “preview” of the book. You will get a download option for the original book with 452 pages once the purchase is done 🙂

  23. R
    Raji Warrier says:

    Dear Sarah
    I am so happy your ebook is out . I tried buying it using my credit card but was unable to do so as it’s going back to PayPal when I click the pay button. How can I buy using my card? Please help me.

    • Hey Raji, we identified that the issue was with PayPal as payments going out of India are restricted. We have added a direct bank transfer option for your convenience, please checkout again and use the facility “Direct bank transfer from India”. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  24. HOW do i download my book?

  25. K
    Kathy Smigun says:

    I just purchased this book and am so impressed with the detail and quality of photos and descriptions. This will be my “go to” book for wool embellishment and embroidery.

  26. A
    Amy says:

    Hello! The links do not seem to work in the ebook on my iPad or our home computer. Am i doing something wrong?
    With the book being 452 pages, it would be amazing for the links to work like they do in the preview of the ebook!

  27. S
    Shirley Peterson says:

    I just purchesed this ebook using PayPal, but can’t download it? Help!

    • Thanks, Shirley for purchasing it. We are happy that we could resolve it online. Enjoy the eBook and let us know your comments 🙂

      • S
        Shirley Peterson says:

        You folks were phenomenal helping me resolve my issues, especially when the issues MAY have been my inept use of the computer 🤪…thanks, I haven’t had time to really use the book, but I’m sure I’ll love it. It’s just what I’ve been looking for!

  28. P
    Patricia says:

    Bonjour Sarah.

    Je vous ai découverte sur Pinterest, vos explications sont CLAIRES. C’est donc avec patience que j’attends pour acheter votre livre papier. Félicitations. Patricia (FRANCE)

    • Sarah says:

      Salut Patricia
      Merci beaucoup! J’aime faire les tutoriels et c’est merveilleux d’entendre que vous l’aimez. Le livre électronique sera publié très bientôt.
      Meilleurs voeux,

  29. Sarah says:

    Merci pour ton commentaire, Marie. Cela nous permet de continuer. 😊

  30. M
    MERVEILLE says:

    Je regarde avec grand plaisir votre site et je voulais vous remercier pour toutes vos explications.

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