Kantha Work- Big Fillings

Kantha fillings with the Running Stitch

Kantha patterns can be easily filled with just the Running Stitch. The idea is not to cover the ground fabric, but to give it texture, strength, and of course, to add color to the pattern. Unlike in the earlier variation, the outlines here are done in black to white color. Colors are used only for the inside fillings. This demarcates the elements in the pattern clearly. The fillings are made in a concentric pattern or path. This method works perfectly for both large and small patterns.

Fig 1: Trace or draw your pattern to the fabric.Fig 2:  Start stitching the outline using a black thread. If it is a dark fabric, consider using a white or light-colored thread.
Fig 3: The pattern already looks pretty.Fig 4:  Now, fill each element in the pattern with concentric rows of the Running Stitch. I have used green color for the big leaves.
Fig 5: The Running Stitch does not follow any disciplined pattern. Taking a concentric path keeps the stitching continuous.Fig 6:  The finished pattern looks like this.


Stitch used in this project

The pattern used in this project. Click for the printable PDF file.

Some samples by my students!

Stitched by: Ratika Kapur

Now let’s learn the other variations of Kantha Work:


7 Responses

  1. R
    R M Desai says:


  2. S
    Sujatha Venkatesan says:

  3. H
    Harshitaa Balaji says:

    Thank you!

  4. H
    Harshitaa says:

    Thank you!

  5. S
    Swathy S Rajagopal says:

    Really loved working this intricate and minute work.
    Thank you for the wonderful session and pattern.

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