Padded Satin Stitch

Padded Satin Stitch is also known as

Puntada de satén acolchada [ES], Point de plumetis [FR], unterlegter Plattstich [DE], Punto piatto imbottito [IT], Ponto cheio com enchimento [PT].

About Padded Satin Stitch

This is a Satin Stitch variation with a slight embossed or dimensional look. This is because we first give the pattern a little padding at the base before doing the Satin Stitch. How much padding you want will determine how much padding you will provide on the bottom. Some prefer to fill the base entirely, while you can work with sporadic filling too. The thread used in work also matters. Perle Cotton is a rounded and a ‘plump’ thread which helps in a beautiful outcome. Regular embroidery floss will work great if you are using all the 6 strands. Working a thicker outline will also affect slightly. Working a Chain Stitch as I do in this lesson is probably much effective than working the outline in a Stem Stitch. I will illustrate this stitch using a leaf pattern.

How to do the Padded Satin Stitch

You need to know any basic straight line stitch like the Chain Stitch, Outline Stitch, or Back Stitch, to do the outlining. You also need to know the Satin Stitch.

Fig 1: First, stitch an outline of the pattern to be done. I have used Chain Stitch to outline, but you can use any straight stitch like the Back Stitch or the Outline Stitch.Fig 2: Once the outline is done, fill the inside of the pattern with Straight Stitches. You can fill it up with chain stitch too. The idea is to give padding for the Satin Stitch that we will be doing, so we need not make this stitch to cover the pattern entirely.
Fig 3: Once that is done, do the satin stitch to cover the pattern. The needle needs to go in and out of the fabric from outside the Chain Stitch.Fig 4: The completed pattern will look like this.


Related Projects

Do you want to know where and how to use this stitch? Check out the projects below and know more. Make something beautiful today!

Leaf embroidery

Learn this stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

Other stitches from the Satin Stitch Family

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  450-page Hand Embroidery book.

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