crewel embroidery


Jacobean Couching

Jacobean Couching is also known as Point de Jacobin [FR]. How to do the Jacobean Couching Jacobean Couching Stitch is the highlight of the Jacobean Embroidery. Layers of threads are laid down across the space to be covered and anchored down with small cross stitches at the intersections. It is...


Open Cretan Stitch

This stitch is an open variation of the Cretan stitch. It gives a very spaced out look and defines the features of the Cretan stitch clearly. It can be used imaginatively as a motif stitch or otherwise. You need to know the Cretan stitch to be able to do this...


Closed Cretan Stitch

This stitch is used to fill in simple patterns like leaves. It uses the same technique as the Cretan stitch with each stitch close to each other to fill in gaps. If you know the Cretan stitch, it will be an advantage. I will work between four stitch lines to...


Cretan Stitch

Cretan Stitch is also known as Persian Stitch / Long-Armed Feather Stitch/ Alternating Buttonhole Stitch/ Long Armed Feather Stitch/ Quill Stitch/ Spaced Cretan Stitch [EN], Punto de Creta [ES], Point d’Arête [FR], Kretischer Stich [DE],  Punto Greco / Punto Cretese [IT], Ponto de Creta [PT], Snärjd Kråkspark [SV]. How to...