Meandering Stitch Bead Embroidery

How to do Bead Embroidery with the Meandering Stitch

The Meandering Stitch is great to add beads to create wonderfully textured borders. Changing the length of the stitch or the spacing between them can create visual differences. Since the threads show long with the beads, various combinations can be tried for multiple variations. I have tried three samples here. Share with us your variations!

Sample 1: Beads on the outside

Fig 1: Make a base row of Aligned Parallel Running Stitch.Fig 2: Bring out another thread from one end of the bottom row. Pass the needle under the first stitches of both rows.
Fig 3: Slip in a bead and push it down to the base.Fig 4: Next, pass the needle under the second stitches of both rows.
Fig 5: Slip in a bead again. Repeat the process.Fig 6: End your stitch by taking your needle through the fabric near teh last base stitch.
Fig 5: A row of this variation looks pretty like this.

Sample 2: Beads on the inside

Fig 1: Start by stitching the base rows. Come out from one end of the top row. Pass the needle under the first stitch of the top row.Fig 2: Next, slip in a bead and push it down to the bottom. Then, pass the needle under the first stitch of the bottom row. This secures the bead between both rows.
Fig 5: Continue the process to finish the stitch. I have beaded 1 and 3 beads alternately.

Sample 3: Beads on the base stitch

Fig 1: Slip in beads for each stitch of the Running Stitch.Fig 2: Make two Aligned Parallel Running Stitch rows like this. It already looks pretty!
Fig 3: Now bring out another thread from one end of the bottom row and pass under the first stitches.Fig 4: Take a turn and pass under the second stitches. Continue with this process.
Fig 5: The beaded row will look like this.

Stitch used in this project

5 Responses

  1. so very cool. I enjoy your stitches!! NOTE!! my email is now, (from to match my website. Please change in your system!!!

  2. You are right, Sarah. The odd bead with the 3 together definitely changes the look. Each version is good here.

  3. How charming this arrangement is. and the Stitch so easy. Thank you for sharing, Sarah.

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you, Maureen. It is amazing how a single stitch can give you such stark different results just by displacing the beads a bit! 😀

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