tambour stitch

traditional_embroidery_zalakdozi 26


  Embroidery sample: Zalakdozi Zalakdozi is also known as (popularly) Kashmiri, Aari work About ‘Zalakdozi’, essentially means chain stitch. This type of embroidery includes only the Chain stitch. Zalakdozi is known to be an exclusive embroidery from the state of Kashmir in India, and thus popularly known as ‘Kashmiri’. It...


Chain Stitch

Chain Stitch is also known as Tambour stitch [EN], Punto de cadeneta [ES], Point de chaînette [FR], Kettenstich [DE], Punto catenella [IT], Ponto cadeia [PT], kedjestygn [SV]. About the Chain Stitch Chain Stitch is the basic and simplest stitch of the Chain Stitch family. It gives a chain like an...