padded satin stitch


Stitch Leaf: Padded Satin Stitch

Stitch leaves using the Padded Satin Stitch. When I planned to do a leaf with the Padded Satin Stitch, the aloe vera plant came to my mind instantly. Its fleshy succulent leaves can be perfectly depicted using this padded stitch. So, yes, the Padded Satin Stitch can be great to...


Padded Satin Stitch

Padded Satin Stitch is also known as Puntada de satén acolchada [ES], Point de plumetis [FR], unterlegter Plattstich [DE], Punto piatto imbottito [IT], Ponto cheio com enchimento [PT]. About Padded Satin Stitch This is a Satin Stitch variation with a slight embossed or dimensional look. This is because we first...