buttonhole stitch


Buttonhole Bar Stitch

About the Buttonhole Bar Stitch This is a multipurpose stitch made over a foundation of a long straight stitch. The blanket stitch covers this straight stitch without touching the fabric, hanging out like a loop. This stitching method can be seen in traditional needlelace embroidery forms like Aemilia Ars, from...


Rosette of Thorns

Rosette of Thorns is also known as Festón ondulado [ES], Point de grébiche dégradé [FR], Zacken-langettenstich [DE],  Punto festone irregolare [IT]. How to do the Rosette of Thorns Rosette of thorns is a decorative variation of Blanket Stitch. It is a fine example of how Blanket Stitches can be varied...


Buttonhole Wheel Cup

About the Buttonhole Wheel Cup Stitch The Buttonhole Wheel Cup Stitch is a very decorative, dimensional stitch. It can be used for 3-dimensional embroidery as it gives a standout look. This stitch is done over a buttonhole wheel foundation. So, it is good to know the Blanket Stitch and the...


Buttonhole Wheel

Buttonhole wheel Stitch is also known as Festón circular[ES], Roué festonnée [FR], Wagenrad [DE], Ilhó de recorte [PT], Langettprickar [SV]. About the Buttonhole wheel Stitch This is a motif stitch. A wheel pattern is made using the Blanket Stitch. This, despite being called the Buttonhole Wheel commonly. This is a...


Crossed Blanket Stitch

Also Known as: Cross Buttonhole Stitch, Crossed Buttonhole Stitch Crossed blanket stitch is a variation that makes crossed patterns, in turn creating a series of diamond patterns, while making the blanket stitch. It is a decorative stitch which can be used to replace the traditional blanket stitch. I will work...


Whipped Buttonhole Stitch

Whipped Buttonhole Stitch is also known as Whipped Blanket Stitch [EN], Umwickelter Langettenstich [DE] About the Whipped Buttonhole Stitch The Whipped Buttonhole Stitch is a decorative variation of the Blanket Stitch or the Buttonhole Stitch. This technique of whipping the thread can be applied using a contrasting colored thread. Try...


Buttonhole Stitch

Buttonhole Stitch is also known as Punto festón [ES], Point de boutonnière [FR], Knopflochstich [DE],  Punto ochiello [IT], Ponto feston [PT], Knapphålstygn [SV]. About the Buttonhole Stitch The Buttonhole Stitch is visually similar to the Blanket Stitch but uses a different method of sewing. Traditionally, this stitch is used to...


Blanket Stitch

Blanket Stitch is also known as Festón Abierto [ES], Point de Grébiche [FR], Langettenstich [DE],  Punto Festone [IT], Ponto de Recorte / Ponto de Caseado [PT], Langettstygn [SV]. About the Blanket Stitch The Blanket Stitch is simple, easy and beautiful. It is called Blanket Stitch, as traditionally, it is used...

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Blanket Stitch Family

About the Blanket Stitch Family Blanket Stitch began as a way to secure the edges of unsewn blankets. The stitch is simple to do and gives a decorated look. With time, this stitch was experimented with in hand embroidery, and it gave rise to different variations and styles of this...