Diamond Eyelet Stitch

diamond eyelet
Diamond Eyelet Stitch is also known as

Puntada de ojal de diamante [ES], Point d’oeillet de diamant [FR], Rautenspannstich [DE], Ponto de ilhós de diamante [PT].

How to do the Diamond Eyelet Stitch

The Diamond Eyelet Stitch is technically worked like the Algerian Eyelet Stitch. Only, it works around a diamond outline and carries more spokes (straight stitches) for a filling effect. Again, this can be used wonderfully over even weave cloth to create greatly textured fillings.

I will be working within a diamond-shaped area to illustrate this stitch. This illustration shows working the straight stitches from the outside to the center. You can work the straight stitches from the center too.

Fig 1: Start by bringing up the needle from a corner of the diamond shape, point A. Take the needle in through the center, that is, point B. Then, bring the needle out from C and again in through B, as shown.Fig 2: Keep up with this procedure to fill the entire diamond shape. Keep the number of straight stitches even, at least twelve.
Fig 3: A finished Diamond Eyelet looks like this.

More stitches from the Straight Stitch Family


Learn the Diamond Eyelet Stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

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