Straight Stitch Family

About the Straight Stitch Family

The Straight Stitch is the first stitch you need to know before learning any other embroidery stitches or sewing. It is a simple single stitch done by taking the needle in and out of the fabric. There is no looping or crossing of the stitches here, making it pretty easy to learn and do. Many other stitches, including advanced stitches, begin by making a single straight stitch. So, if you are a beginner, this is where you should start. A straight stitch is one that is straight irrespective of its length.

Straight Stitch Family in Embroidery

Straight stitches can be combined in various patterns to come up with a variety of beautiful stitches as you will see in this family. They can be used to create fillings, straight-line stitches, geometric shapes, or motifs. The stitches in this family are easily adaptable as needlepoint stitches. In fact, some stitches like the Algerian Eyelet Stitch and the Lantern Stitch have been taken from needlepoint. A continuous series of Straight Stitches form the Running Stitch, a stitch of the Running Stitch Family.

Straight Stitch Family


Learn 306 stitches categorized in 20 Stitch Families from our 600-page eBook. 

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