Four Legged Knot Stitch

Four-Legged Knot is also known as

Puntada de Nudo de Cuatro Patas [ES]

About the Four-Legged Knot

The Four-Legged Knot Stitch is a very easy stand-alone single knot stitch. It looks like a knot in the center of a cross. The legs of the cross can be made short or long, depending on how you want the effect to be. This stitch can be used as a stand-alone stitch or can be used in multiples as a filling stitch.

How to do the Four-Legged Knot

Fig 1: As shown, Bring the needle out from A, in through B, and out through C. Point C is at the right angle to A and B.Fig 2: Now, take the needle under A-B without plucking the fabric beneath. Twist the thread from C under the needle as shown. When you would pull out the needle, you would get a knot over A-B.
Fig 3: To finish off, take the needle in through a point right-angled to A and B, and in a straight line to C.
You get a knot with four legs. The length of the legs can be adjusted by adjusting the distance of the stitch between A, B, and C.

Related Projects

Do you want to know where and how to use this stitch? Check out the projects below and learn more. Let’s make something beautiful today❤️

Learn the Straight Stitch along with 305 other stitches from our 600-page eBook. 

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