Colonial Knot

Colonial Knot is also known as

Figure 8 Knot [EN], Nudo Colonial [ES], Noeud Colonial [FR], Kolonialknotenstich [DE],  Punto Coloniale [IT], Ponto Nó Colonial [PT].

About the Colonial Knot

The Colonial Knot looks pretty much like the French Knot but has a higher profile, which means, it looks more prominent. Also, while we wrap around twice in the same direction for the French Knot, we wrap around in an ‘8’ shape to make the Colonial Knot. To do this stitch, the awareness of the French Knot is good. This will help us to be clear about the difference between both. In my experience, I have found the Colonial Knot much enjoyable to do. The trick is in understanding and getting your hands used to using the needle to guide the thread to do the first half of the wrap.

How to do the Colonial Knot

Fig 1: Bring the needle out through the fabric. Now make a little hunch or a twist with the thread as shown in the illustration.Fig 2: Now, put the needle in through the ‘hunch’ that was made.
Fig 3: Wrap the thread around in the other direction of the ‘hunch’ so as to form a sort of ‘8’.Fig 4: Pull the longer end of the thread to tighten the wrap around the needle and hold it pulled.
Fig 5: Now, draw back the needle and put it in through a point near where it had emerged earlier. Make sure the thread is held pulled while doing this so that the wrap does not loosen or fall out of the needle.Fig 6: The finished Colonial Knot will look like this.

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