Wheatear Stitch

Wheatear Stitch is also known as

Wheat stitch [EN], Punto de collalba [ES], Point épi [FR], Ährenstich [DE],  Punto spiga [IT], Ponto espiga [PT].

This stitch, as the name suggests, resembles wheat or sheaf of wheat when done in multiples. This is a decorative stitch and can be used as per our imagination.

You need to know the Detached Wheatear stitch. I will be following three parallel stitch lines to demonstrate this stitch.

Fig 1: Start the base by doing a detached wheatear stitch as shown above. Note that A and C lie on the left and right stitch lines. B and D lie on the centre stitch line.Fig 2: We now proceed to make more detached wheatear stitches one after the other.
After putting in the needle through D, bring it out through E, then in through D and out through F.
Fig 3: Put the needle in through D again. This completes the second pair of ‘ears’. Bring the needle out through G.Fig 4: Take the needle beneath the second pair of ‘ears’ and the previous loop to form the second loop of the sequence.
Fig 5: Put the needle in through G to complete the second loop.Fig 6: Keep up with this procedure to finish the entire stitch line.
Fig 7: A finished line of wheatear stitch would look like this. I have ended the sequence with the ‘ears’ or a ‘V’ to give it a more wheat sheaf look. Try this stitch on curves as well.

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