Lazy Daisy

Lazy Daisy is also known as

Detached chain stitch / Single chain stitch [EN], Punto de margarita [ES], Point de bouclette [FR], Margeritenstich [DE], Punto margherita [IT], Ponto margarida [PT].

About the Lazy Daisy

This stitch is often used to make petal shapes and small leaf patterns. It consists of a single loop of chain than a continuous pattern. Lazy daisy is one of the extremely easy stitches. This stitch need not be limited to just petals and leaves but can be used for more complicated designs.

How to do the Lazy Daisy

To assist our lessons, I will be making a floral motif. I have made a focal point by marking a small ring as my stitch line. My stitches will begin at the edge of this ring. I have used a multicolored thread and not threads of various colors to demonstrate this stitch.

Fig 1: Bring the thread out through A.
Put in the needle near A and bring it out through point B, but don’t pull the needle out completely.
Now, loop the thread around the needle, like we would in chain stitch.
Fig 2: Pull out the needle out to tighten the loop.
Put in the needle just outside the chain created and that will finish the lazy daisy stitch.
Fig 3: This stand-alone stitch can be used freely to be a part of any design. Since I have decided to make a flower, I will proceed with making multiple lazy daisies around the marked stitch line.Fig 4: The completed flower is made of multiple lazy daisies.

Learn to do Lazy Daisy in 2 minutes!

Use this stitch on a pattern.

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Related Projects

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63 Responses

  1. M

    your instructions are so clear and crisp

  2. G

    Qual a cor e que Linha que você esta usando na Lazy Daisy ou Margarida Preguiçosa??
    é muito linda;
    desde já agradeço.

  3. S

    I loved your Lazy Daizy stitch it was so fun to
    Do it it was awesome

  4. A

    I came to know about your works just the other day and I love it. Am learning so much through your website. continue the good work.

  5. S
    Susan Baker says:

    So beautiful! I am wondering what is the largest size of the lazy daisy petal I should try to make–I am looking to make leaves onto which I will sew on a knitted flower. I would like the leaves to be at least 2 inches. Do you think this will work? Thank you!

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Susan,
      I feel I am terribly late to respond. Did you try the leaf? You can do a 2-inch leaf. The stitch could get caught though as it will be a long stitch. You can tack it down with smaller stitches. That will help maintain the shape too.

      • S
        Susan says:

        Thank you, Sarah! I did try the leaf and it was a bit large, but I went smaller and it worked! Thank you. I love your webpage and your helpful tips!

  6. M
    Marian says:

    What does it mean when half a lazy daisy is shaded in black on d pattern.

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