Feathered Chain Stitch

Feathered Chain Stitch is also known as

Pluma de cadeneta en espina / Puntada cadena de plumas [ES], Point de chaînette en épine [FR], Gefiederter kettenstich [DE], Ponto de folhinhas [PT].

How to do the Feathered Chain Stitch

This stitch looks like the long-tailed daisy done in a zigzag manner. Being a motif stitch, it can be used comfortably for light borders and with other embellishments. You need to be aware of the Long-Tailed Daisy stitch to be able to do this stitch. Knowledge of the Zigzag Chain Stitch will be good.

Fig 1: We begin by doing a Long-Tailed Daisy with the start point on A. The loop is angled at about 45 degrees since we are making a zigzag pattern.
While making the ‘tail’, before going in through the fabric, we wrap the thread around the needle as shown in the illustration.
Fig 2: Then, the needle is put in through C and brought out through D, again at an angle of about 45 degrees.
Next, loop the thread around the needle as shown. This is to make the next long-tailed daisy.
Fig 3: Continue this procedure of making Long Tailed Daisies at 45-degree angles.
Fig 4: This illustration shows a portion of the Feathered Chain Stitch.

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