Closed Blanket Stitch

Closed Blanket Stitch is also known as

Half Crossed Blanket Stitch [EN], Punto de festón cerrado [ES], Point feston fermé [FR], Geschlossener Langettenstich [DE], Ponto de casear fechado [PT].

How to do the Closed Blanket Stitch

As the name suggests, this Blanket Stitch is a closed variation but forms a beautiful pattern to edge thick fabrics. Knowing the Blanket Stitch will be an advantage. I will work between two horizontally parallel stitch lines.

Fig 1: Bring out the needle through A. Now put the needle in through B, as shown. Take the needle out through C. Note that the points B and C are placed diagonally with each other, unlike in the normal blanket stitch.
We continue with this ‘diagonal’ approach throughout.
Fig 2: Now, Take the needle in through D and E, again diagonally placed to each other. Then, take the needle in through D and bring it out from F as shown. This gives the blanket stitch a ‘closed’ look.
Fig 3: Continue this process for the entire row. A finished row would look like this.
When done as an edging, both sides of the fabric would look the same.

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