Bluework Lessons


This page is just to give a feel on how Bluework will look like.

Bluework and Redwork share the same history. Only that, Bluework came as a successor to Redwork when a new colorfast blue thread was available in the market. Later, a lot many other colors came into availability, and many other threads were experimented with. Contemporarily, Bluework has been done in many shades of blue in a single design. I have used anchor thread #0162 to work on the below-given design.

Here is a step-by-step procedure on how this design was completed in Bluework. Click on the stitch names to go to the lessons of each stitch.

I have traced the design to a white cotton fabric using carbon paper.

Back stitch:
I began by making the girl’s face, hands, and feet using this stitch.
Lazy daisy:
The flower pattern on the frock is done in lazy daisy. I also made the girl’s eyes and ribbons using this stitch.
French knot:
The best way to fill in dots or small circles is using french knots, which I did on the frock, at the centre of each flower pattern.
Outline stitch:
The outline stitch was used  for the frock, shawl, and hat as it would give a thicker easy flowing look.
Split stitch:
The split stitch looked good for the hair as it would give a thicker look. Two strands of the blue floss were taken and doubled, so that the ‘splitting’ is easy.
Running stitch:
The design on the shawl was apt for a running stitch.
Straight stitch:
I added finer details to the girl by making single straight stitches (single running stitch). I made its eyebrows, eyelashes and the stem pattern on the frock using straight stitches.
Stem stitch:
I used this stitch to do the flowers.
Our finished ‘dutch girl’ would look like this.Click on the image for a bigger version.

Note: This design helped me to incorporate all the stitches traditionally used in redwork and Bluework helping me to explain this lesson to you. Contemporarily, different kinds of straight stitches can be used to work these embroideries. This free design called ‘dutch girl’ has been borrowed from

Next, learn more about Redwork and go to the lessons:

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